The first day of school is Monday, August 13! Can you believe it?
Students will need to be ready to enter the building at 7:50 outside of their current homeroom door. That door will close at 8am, and students arriving after 8am must go to the office to sign in and will be marked tardy. They'll then be sent to class with a late slip by the office. On the first day, you are welcome to come in with your child to see the classroom, but we ask that you honor our time together to build community and say your goodbyes quickly so that we can get started at 8am. Students will have a short get-to-know-you writing assignment waiting for them when they arrive on the first day!
Initial Family Conferences
If you were unable to make our initial conference days this week, please schedule an appointment with your child's homeroom teacher within the next week or so. We look forward to chatting with you!
If you were unable to make our initial conference days this week, please schedule an appointment with your child's homeroom teacher within the next week or so. We look forward to chatting with you!
Many of you have already brought in your school supplies or had them delivered by EduKit. Thank you! If you have not brought them by, feel free to bring them by school on Friday or to ODD (Orientation, Divisions, and Dessert) Night Friday evening beginning at 5:30. Please make sure the bags containing your child's supplies are marked with his or her name--we'll take care of labeling everything else.
ODD Night
ODD Night is an orientation night that helps families gain a better understanding of Division-specific expectations. Information about projects, homework, field trips and other events specific to each division will be discussed. If you have a child in more than one division, there are four sessions: 5:30, 6:30, 7:00 and 7:30. At 6:00, Mrs. Myers will hold a new family orientation in the gym.
During our initial conferences, many of you expressed interest in volunteering. Our school is ALWAYS looking for volunteers to help out around the school and in the office. There is a sign up sheet in the office. As we get into our school year, classroom teachers will be looking for help with various projects as well. Please understand that not all of these projects involve being in the classroom with your child. Because we are project oriented, our needs often include research, trips to the library for research materials, preparation of materials and/or games, copies, etc. As needs arise for extra hands during more hands-on explorations, we'll let you know, and will set up a time to discuss what exactly will be needed. As noted in the handbook, we need to have an idea of when you are available to volunteer, and set up something in advance with you, rather than have you just drop in to volunteer.
The gifted population tends to have more food and other sensitivities than others. We have a number of students allergic to peanuts and peanut products, some with Celiac disease and gluten sensitivities, and some with dairy allergies. Mrs. Myers has outlined and provided our policies to ensure the safety of all of our children. Please be familiar with it and direct any questions you may have to your child's homeroom teacher or the office.
Miss Stephanie McDonough, Student Teacher
Division III is proud to introduce Miss Stephanie McDonough who will be joining us during the first eight weeks of school. Many of you have had the opportunity to meet her this week during our initial conferences. Miss McDonough will be working with Ms. Brown in her classroom, gradually taking on additional teaching responsibilities as her eight weeks of student teaching experience with us progresses. She is a native of Iowa City, Iowa, and has relocated here specifically to complete her teaching program. We're thrilled to have her as a part of our Division III team!
Division III Handbook
The Division III Handbook can be located and downloaded from the following link:
under Division III, Division III Handbook. You can also request another copy from your child's homeroom teacher.
We look forward to beginning the school year on Monday! Have a great weekend!
~Ms. Brown, Mrs. Burns, Dr. Ricotta, and Miss McDonough
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