Thursday, September 27, 2012

Important Dates and Reminders

September 25 - Mechanisms Fair, Academy ACL Gym, 2pm.

October 1 - Dress Like Your Hero Day and COUNT DAY!!  Attendance this day is very important!! 

October 5-8 - Fall Break

October 12 - Read-A-Thon.  Early dismissal at NOON; Get your sponsor sheets in to your homeroom teachers!! Also End of Quarter 1

October 15 - Teacher Work Day - no school

October 25-26 - Family Conferences

Attendance Policy: Please check your Family Handbook regarding excused vs. unexcused absences. Also, if your child will be absent for any reason, please email both your child's teachers AND the office.

Division III News


Students in Dr. Ricotta's class have been introduced to the 'Celebrations & Concerns' bucket for situations and events happening in class, encore, and playground. They’ve also been discussing how bodily fluids from sneezing, coughing, and teeth hygiene spreads germs and bacteria. So using the tissues on the table would be advantageous for all of us!

'Perceive" has been their lifeskill of the week. How one looks, acts, & speaks reflects how others think of them. Perception is in the eye of the observer whether it is accurate or not.

Ms. Brown’s class focused on how to join in to conversations and activities, as well as how germs are spread.  We talked about using the “cough pocket” (the crook of one’s elbow) when we sneeze or cough to ensure that we are minimizing the amount of germs we spread.

World of Math

In Ms. Brown’s math class, students learned how to add using various algorithms, such as partial sums.  They will be taking their assessment with Ms. McDonough on Friday morning. Beginning Monday, we will complete the remainder of Unit 2, which focuses on subtraction algorithms.

Using family numbers, students in Dr. Ricotta’s class learned how to create a line plot graph. Together they graphed the number of family members living in one household. With this graph, they learned how to find THE MEDIAN from a set of data. Students also practiced multi-digit column addition as well as partial sums.

In Ms. Burns’ class, students are learning all about adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals. We are working with Multiplication with Powers of 10 as well.  We are rocking this unit!

Art of Language

Mrs. Burns' class has been focusing on identifying main idea and supporting details in our reading and on writing 5 sentence paragraphs that include a topic sentence, 3 supporting details and a conclusion. 

Dr. Ricotta’s Art of Language class is still exploring The Secret Garden. It has kept the students engaged, entertained, and anxious as they read about a lonely, contrary little girl. The journal entries from each chapter of this book has been such a delight to hear the students share.  She reports, “We are having so much fun reading this classic piece of literature as we learn about English Gardens, the moors, and Yorkshire accents.”

Ms. Brown’s language arts class has forayed into reading non-fiction books, while still focusing on non-fiction writing. Students were allowed to bring non-fiction books of their choosing, and several students have brought some very interesting books such as The World’s Most Haunted Places, and a book about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. It’s been fascinating to talk to students about what they’ve chosen to read.

Students focused on writing summaries of their daily reading as though they were reporting for a newspaper, answering questions such as who, what, why, when, where, and how. Our workshop lessons for writing for the next several meetings will focus on conventions and their proper usage in our writing, and proper use of “academic language” in our writing.   Today, students will be starting work on an expository piece about a topic they know a lot about--the topics will vary, but we think that students will have some very interesting pieces to share!  Some students are still working on their nutrition essays as well.

Scientific Inquiry

This week, students researched and have each prepared a page for our class medieval medicine book which we will complete when our paper making project is finished. We’ll then transfer our findings to our medieval paper!  Students worked diligently in class this week to locate information on their assigned herbs and have been surprised by not only their uses during medieval times, but also by their uses in the modern world!  Thank you to all who have located samples of these herbs.  Some are more difficult to locate than others!

Next week, we will begin a scientific inquiry unit in which we will study the effects of temperature on matter.  Students will investigate through the scientific process how heat and cooling affect matter, as well as conduct experiments to explore simple chemical reactions.  This unit will wrap up on October 12.  

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mechanisms, Medieval Inventions, and Medicine!

Important Dates and Reminders:

Friday, September 28: Rube Goldberg Machines DUE & Mechanisms Fair - 2pm in the gym!

Monday, October 1: Count Day and Hero Day - Come to school dressed as your favorite hero, fictional or real!

Friday, October 5: Monday, October 8 - Fall Break

Saturday, October 6: Jesse Wilson's The Night the Moon Ate My Room! Performance and book release signing. 3-4:30 pm Marmalade at Smokebrush, 219 W. Colorado Avenue, Ste. 210 (Evening performance at 5pm)

Friday, October 12: Early Release 12:00pm and Read-A-Thon!  Be sure to find your ten sponsors!  End of 1st Quarter

Monday, October 15: No School for Students - Teacher Work Day

Tuesday, October 16: 2nd Quarter Begins - Big Idea: Patterns

Tuesday, October 23: Picture re-takes

Thursday and Friday, October 25 and 26: 1st Quarter Family Conferences

Division III News

Scribe's Corner by Keeghan M.

CLASH!  Fighting is what the medieval people did for possession of land.  And how do I know this?  In our study of medieval inventions, we discovered just that.  My group and I made our own mini catapult using popsicle sticks, glue, a wooden spoon, and wood.  

Did you know that Leonardo DaVinci didn't make the catapult?  He just designed it.  He also invented the tank. We are excited that we have been invited to go to the Leonardo DaVinci exhibit in Denver with Division V in October!


Students in Dr. Ricotta's homeroom have been learning to understand different perspectives and how perception of others comes into play.  

All three classes have been composing persuasive letters to Mrs. Myers to convince her to allow us to travel to Denver in October with Divisions IV and V for the DaVinci Machines Exhibit.  Composing well-written persuasive letters is one of the requirements to be allowed to go on a field trip.  Permission slips for this trip, another requirement, went home in Thursday folders today and must be returned with applicable funds no later than October 4.  Students bringing permission slips or money after this date will NOT be allowed to go on the field trip.  Because all three Divisions are attending and it is such a large group, we will not accept late submissions.  Additional information will follow shortly.

World of Math

Ms. Brown's math class has moved into Unit 2, and is studying several different strategies for solving addition problems.  Family letters went home in student binders on Monday.  Several students have still not returned Unit 1 tests with signatures.  Please return those as soon as possible!

Art of Language

In Dr. Ricotta's language arts class, the use of the dictionary has aided the students in completing a vocabulary web for Caesar's English.  They are engrossed with reading and responding to "The Secret Garden."  Students are having hard time putting it down! It is that good!  Classic literature never dies!

Ms. Browns' class is finishing up their expository pieces about nutrition.  Students have chosen to include very valuable information, as well as integrated informational text features such as diagrams, pictures with captions, headings and subheadings, as well as charts and graphs!  Students have had a great time interviewing one another and putting their research together.  

Next week, students will need to bring non-fiction books of their choosing to class.  An email about this went home to families on Thursday afternoon.

Scientific and Historical Inquiry

Students completed their Medieval Inventions this week and they are FANTASTIC!  They'll be on display soon in the front cabinets.

Next week, we'll begin learning about medieval medicine and remedies.  Students will be assigned a medieval remedy and will research it, creating a page for our class medicine book.  We'll be learning the scientific name for each medicine, it's common uses during the middle ages, and whether or not it is still used today. We'll illustrate each remedy and provide small samples as well.  (Samples of most medicines can be purchased at most local health food stores (Mountain Mama, Whole Foods, Vitamin Cottage, etc.) Students are making paper, another medieval invention, with Ms. Hellen in Art, and that paper will be used to publish our research in our books. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Newsletter September 13, 2012

Reminders and Important Dates

Thursday, September 13: Achievement Night, 5:30pm.  Guest speaker Jackie Law will be speaking about MAP testing information for parents, and staff will share math games and science fair information for each division.

Friday, September 14: Drawing and materials list for Rube Goldberg Projects are due!  This day is also an Early Release at 2:10.

Saturday, September 15: Paper Making Project Help Needed: Jimmy Cline, a Division III parent, has graciously volunteered to build the paper presses we need to create our medieval paper.  He needs help, however, with the construction of them.  If you are available in the afternoon on Saturday and willing to assist, please get in touch with him via email:

Friday, September 28: Rube Goldberg Machines DUE!  Mechanisms Fair in the afternoon in the gym.  More details will follow.  If your child has not shared this project with you, please check his or her binder for the information.  It can also be obtained on the school's website in the Forums under Division III.

In Other News...

The weather changes have started in our region!  Fall is almost upon us!  Please remember that our weather is unpredictable, and so students need to come prepared with rain gear and jackets each day.  As the weather turns colder, students will not be allowed to play outside if they are not dressed appropriately.

If you are picking your child up mid-day, please remember to check in at the office and allow the office staff to retrieve your child, rather than heading straight to his or her classroom.  It's imperative for the safety of our students and staff that the office is aware of who is in the building at all times and who is taking students out during the day.

If you wish to observe or volunteer in a particular class, be sure that you have scheduled your visit ahead of time with the teacher(s) in whose classes you wish to observe or volunteer.  We welcome our families, but would appreciate knowing when we will be having visitors and volunteers.  In this instance too, you must check in with the office and obtain a visitor's badge.  If you will be volunteering, you must have completed the volunteer orientation.  Please contact the office for the next orientation.


Students in Division III discussed and role-played situations involving the giving and receiving compliments.  Students noticed that tone of voice plays a role in how compliments are received.  We have also started writing persuasive letters to Mrs. Myers to convince her that we should be allowed to take a field trip to the DaVinci Machines exhibit in Denver in October.

World of Math

Ms. Brown and Dr. Ricotta's Math classes took MAP tests this week.  Teachers will let you know when scores are available.  Ms. Brown's math class will take their Unit 1 test and a few students will finish up MAP testing on Friday.  Dr. Ricotta gave her Unit 1 test earlier in the week and Mrs. Burns' class is scheduled to take their Unit 1 test next week!

Art of Language

Ms. Brown's Art of Language class has continued with Writer's Workshop, focusing on expository writing.  Students have been busy interviewing others for their essays and many are actively drafting essays that incorporate many different non-fiction features and informational writing structures.  Word Study information went home on Monday and the first assessment will be next Wednesday, September 19.

Dr. Ricotta's class is learning analogies and Latin stems (bi-, pre-, super-, sub-, and de-).  They are continuing work on their non-fiction animal essays and have started reading The Secret Garden.

Mrs. Burns' language arts class has been learning to identify the main idea and details in nonfiction text using non-linguistic representations.  She put related items in a box, and through exploration, students identified what the main idea of the box was, as well as identified which items were details.


Division III has completed their study of mechanisms and simple machines, working on three culminating activities throughout the week.  In Dr. Ricotta's classroom, students played games such as Mouse Trap and Capsula to further explore mechanisms at work. Mrs. Burns arranged for students to take apart common household machines such as broken X-Boxes (which was a favorite!) and coffee machines, identifying mechanisms and the way they work within the system.  In Ms. Brown's classroom, students went on a simple machine scavenger hunt, finding the six simple machines on our playground.  Students sketched where they were located, labeled each using scientific vocabulary such as load, effort,  input and output, and then explained how those simple machines were integrated into the equipment students play on every day.

We will begin our first Historical Inquiry unit this Thursday, which will have students becoming experts on medieval inventions, technology, and medicine.  In Art class, Ms. Hellen will begin facilitating the paper making process on Monday, as an integration of history into art.  She is still looking for additional volunteers to help from 12:30 until 1:30 or so each day.  Please contact her to schedule a time to help out!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Newsletter September 6, 2012

Reminders and Important Dates

NEEDED: Sets of the game "MOUSE TRAP" for use next week as part of an inquiry rotation.  If you have a set, please contact Dr. Ricotta and send it with your child by Monday.

Friday, September 7 - Thursday Folders Due
                                        Reading Logs Due
                                        List of Rube Goldberg ideas due

Tuesday, September 11 - Picture Day

Friday, September 14 - Early Dismissal 2:10

DIII is currently looking for a DPR (Division Parent Representative).  This individual would be involved in coordinating volunteer needs for our division (see the Inquiry section for an example), organizing some of our larger events, and other things as needed.  Please contact Ms. Brown or Mrs. Myers for additional information if you are interested.


In LifeSkills this week, students are learning our school's Vision and Mission statements.  See if your child can recite and/or explain what they mean! We have also been exploring the differences and similarities in people's perspectives, considering how perspective can impact someone's message or how our message is received.  Students in Dr. Ricotta's class are also learning how to write an entry in their Writer's Notebooks using a BINGO sheet.

World of Math:

Students in Dr. Ricotta's math class this week spent time identifying different properties polygons and learned how to use a compass to create a circle.  Ms. Brown's math class discussed the vocabulary word "equivalent" and learned about equivalent names for numbers, explored the vocabulary of probability (sure/not sure, probable/improbable), and learned to use the number grid to find the difference between numbers.  

Please check your child's binder regularly for homelinks and other Math related news.  

Art of Language:

Dr. Ricotta's class has started Ceasar's English, which emphasizes Latin roots, as well as editing and four level sentence analysis for Grammar.  They are also identifying nonfiction text features using National Geographic for Kids, and are continuing their informational essays on their animal of choice.

Ms. Brown's class is continuing their work with four level sentence analysis to help students create vivid and interesting sentences in their writing.  Spelling and vocabulary work will begin next week.  Please check your child's binder in the language arts section (3rd tab) for more information on your child's work in this area on MONDAY.  Her students have continued their exploration of non-fiction text, focusing on the topic of Nutrition.  Several students have already shared the area in which they intend to study and write about.  Using nonfiction books and articles, students are learning more about the organization of informational writing, everything from the use of descriptions and lists to cause/effect articles, to include question and answer pieces.  

Students are encouraged to locate materials on their topic of choice and bring these to class with them each day.  Please go with your child to the library or search the internet for information, books, and articles on the topic he or she has chosen, helping them to locate pieces that are child-friendly.  Nonfiction writing can get rather technical, and it then becomes frustrating for students when they are unable to make sense of what they are reading because it involves terminology or information that is not easily understood by young people.

Our writing this week has focused on writing about what we have read including summaries, note taking, and reflective pieces to document our thought processes as we explore the idea of nutrition.  Students are in the ideas/planning phase of the writing process currently.


This week, students moved from mechanisms into learning about electrical circuits and how they work. We discovered the difference between conductors and insulators and how each affects a circuit.  Students will also learn about switches, and how they affect a circuit as well.  Next week, we will start a three day rotation in which students will further their knowledge of mechanisms and simple machines.  

Late next week, we will begin a study of medieval inventions, tying students' study of mechanisms and machines to history.

We are still in need of volunteers during Art Encore classes (12:30-1:20 daily) starting Monday, September 24th, as well as some supplies:
1. to make x6 paper "presses" -   fine metal screen and wood for frames ( important to make the metal edges completely safe!) with plywood cut to size (inside measurement)
2. x6 concrete half blocks
3. x6 plastic trays to catch the water
4. x4 blenders for making the pulp
5. Elmers glue x3 large containers
6. natural materials - grass, flowers etc

Please email Ms. Brown ( if you have not already and you are interested in providing supplies or adult support in the classroom.

Have a wonderful weekend!