Dear Families,
Volunteer Day:
For those of you with any time from 9-3 this Saturday, you're welcome to join us for a Volunteer Day~ RSVP to if any of that time works for you.
We have a variety of jobs of available for your choice, with everything from painting, yardwork, washing walls, raising the legs of tables with a screw driver, and copying handouts. Please bring your own versions of the following, as applicable to what you'd like to do, so that we have enough:
- rakes
- flat-headed shovels
- cleaning rags
- paint rollers
- paint brushes
AcademyACL staff members will vary in attendance depending on who is free during that day and time.
For the start of our year, we welcome several new families, and we also welcome new staff members Daiva Cooper (DIV), Dan Taylor (DIV), Michelle Freddolino (Special Education), Karissa Rhytting (DV) and Carrie Dietrich (guest teacher while Sra. Velasco is on maternity leave) to our team!
And… don't forget our
Students are invited to submit a poster that illustrates AcademyACL's theme for this year - R3 - and what is "good for the brain". This can include illustrations or facts about the brain, protecting the brain, nourishing the brain, or other ideas connected with great learning and the brain.
- Student's name is NOT ON THE FRONT.
- First and Last Name and Division must be on the BACK of the poster board.
- Sizes may range from 11x17", 22x28" or 20x30".
- Check with the front office after July 31st if you need a piece of poster board to use.
- Judging criteria:
- Connection to the theme
- Accuracy (spelling, facts)
- Readability (size of letters~ capitals at least 1" tall, lower case at least .5" tall; bright contrast, appropriate spacing, etc)
- Visual appeal (creativity, artistic or compelling design, etc.)
- DUE by 7:00pm on ODD night, August 10th.
- May be dropped off during office hours or brought to your Family Conference or to ODD night.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. M.